Young Adults


When I first began to think about the illustrations for this blog, the first thing my mind came up with are the values that I have and how television shows, movies, magazines and other types of media advertise such different values. The top half of this illustration shows the values that I think people should have. The bottom half are the values that a lot of people do have, which is fine, but the top value should be held up to a higher standard.

As opposed to the values on the bottom of the page, I had to physically cut out letter by letter of the top values. It was much easier to find words such as beauty, shopping, sexy, shoes, clothes, etc. than honesty, knowledge, strength, trust, etc.


Thursday Night

It’s Thursday night, known as Thirsty Thursday to many college students. Drinking is a huge deal during the college years and it is heavily glamorized in advertisements. Drinking is advertised as being cool and fun. Many celebrities are shown in the media always out drinking and having a good time. 

But how many advertisements do we see about studying and gaining the knowledge to be successful in life? Very few. I feel that students have a difficult time between deciding whether they should go out or stay in and do homework because of different pressures.


Family Collage

This is a personal collage that I thought may be able to represent more than just me. For me, I am the oldest one in my immediate family. I have a younger brother and sister and a bunch of young cousins. It is difficult because I want to set a good example for them, but at the same time I am feeling pressures from the media and my friends to do certain things.

I encourage my brother to play sports and to make a lot of friends and I tell my sister she is beautiful and that inner beauty is what really matters. I tell them both not to worry about what other people think about the things that they do, but at the same time I am dealing with those same issues.

When I look at my little cousins playing video games all the time, I tell them that they should go outside and play instead, but then I go on the computer.

I can only hope that my brother, sister and cousins (who are still young) are not influenced by the millions of advertisements out in the world and the media. At the same time, I have to make sure that I am not being influenced by this media at the same time.

It can be difficult to try to be a role model and a young adult at the same time.

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